How to Install Microsoft Office Updates
Office 365 works with any version of Outlook that is in mainstream support, which comprise the current version of Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, and Outlook 2011 for Mac. For previous versions of Outlook, only those that have extended support may continue to work with Office 365, although with reduced functionality. Steps To Update: 1. Open any Office 2016 application, such as Word 2016 or Excel 2016, and create a new document. 2. Choose File in the top left corner, and then choose Account from the list on the left (or Office Account if you opened Outlook 2016). 3. Under Product Information , choose Update Options You can also watch a video of these steps. 4. Choose Enable Updates if the option is available and then choose Update Options again. If Enable Updates isn't available, automatic updates are enabled and you can go to the next step. 5. Choose...